This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

GEO4962: The General Circulation of the Atmosphere: Glossary

Key Points

  • Jupyterhub

Introduction on climate models
  • CMIP6 models

  • CESM

  • NorESM



CMIP6 data and netCDF data format
  • CMIP6 data

  • netCDF

  • ncdump

Tools for netCDF data analysis and visualization
  • Some of the tools available to manipulate netCDF files

Analyze and visualize CMIP6 data with python
  • jupyterlab

  • xarray

  • pandas

  • matplotlib

Analyze and visualize climatology

  • climatology

CMIP6 model topics
  • Analyze CMIP6 data

  • Interpret CMIP6 data

Model topic: Sudden stratospheric warmings
  • SSW

Model topic: QBO
  • QBO

Model topic: BDC and ozone
  • BDC and ozone

Model topic: ENSO teleconnections
  • ENSO

  • ENSO teleconnections

  • ONI

  • SOI

Model topic: The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
  • NAO

Model topic: Asian Monsoon
  • Asian monsoon
