Model topic: The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How to analyze NAO using CMIP6 data?
Learn about NAO
Learn to analyze CMIP6 data
The NAO is the dominant atmospheric circulation pattern over the North Atlantic/Europe in winter-spring. NCEP CPC
- How to calculate the NAO index: NCEP CPC NAO indices, UCAR Hurrell station-based NAO index, UCAR Hurrell PC-based NAO index
- Stratospheric impact on the NAO: Scaife et al., 2005
Research question ideas
- How is the frequancy and strength of NAO in CMIP6 models?
- How does it compare with observations?
- Are the impacts on surface climate captured in the models?
- How is the NAO likely to change in a future climate? Under extreme climate change?
- CMIP6 model data: monthly mean sea level pressure; geopotential height; temperature at surface, 500 hPa, and 50 hPa; precipitation
- CMIP6 experiments: historical, SSP585, piControl, abrupt-4xCO2
- Observations: NCEP CPC data, NCDC NOAA figure and data
- Lecture slides and material
- A stratospheric influence on the winter NAO and North Atlantic surface climate: Scaife et al., 2005
- NAO and its relationship with the Northern Hemisphere mean surface temperature in CMIP5 simulations: Wang et al., 2017
Key Points