Using xarray to read EBAS data#
See more at and
requirements pip install threddsclient
The EBAS database collects observational data on atmospheric chemical composition and physical properties from a variety of national and international research projects and monitoring programs, such as ACTRIS, AMAP, EMEP, GAW and HELCOM, as well as for the Norwegian monitoring programs funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Ministry of Climate and Environment and NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research.
See all files available:
# You need to first install threddsclient:
import threddsclient
import xarray as xr
# Find url addresses for files on EBAS
all_opendap_urls = threddsclient.opendap_urls(
#Example 1 nephelometer scattering coefficient data
# get all data urls for one station, e.g., Zeppelin NO0042G
opendap_urls = [x for x in all_opendap_urls if 'NO0042G' in x]
# get all scattering data urls
opendap_urls = [x for x in opendap_urls if 'nephelometer' in x]
# read multiple files
# the problem with this example is,
# that the files are from different instruments
# thus, they need to be treated and digested one by one.
dsmf = xr.open_mfdataset(opendap_urls)
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 66MB Dimensions: ( time: 35451, metadata_time: 5, Wavelength: 3, RH_base: 1, RH_humidified: 1, ... aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags: 2, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags: 2, pressure_qc_flags: 2, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags: 2, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags: 2, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags: 2) Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 284kB ... * metadata_time (metadata_time) datetime64[ns] 40B ... * Wavelength (Wavelength) float64 24B ... * RH_base (RH_base) float64 8B ... * RH_humidified (RH_humidified) float64 8B ... * RH_base_max (RH_base_max) float64 8B ... * RH (RH) float64 104B ... * Location (Location) |S64 64B ... Dimensions without coordinates: tbnds, aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc_flags, aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_qc_flags, temperature_qc_flags, ... aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags, pressure_qc_flags, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags Data variables: (12/41) time_bnds (time, tbnds) datetime64[ns] 567kB dask.array<chunksize=(35451, 2), meta=np.ndarray> metadata_time_bnds (metadata_time, tbnds) datetime64[ns] 80B dask.array<chunksize=(5, 2), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc (Wavelength, RH_base, RH_humidified, aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags, time) float64 851kB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata (Wavelength, RH_base_max, RH_humidified, metadata_time) object 120B dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 5), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata (Wavelength, RH_base, RH_humidified, metadata_time) object 120B dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 5), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc (Wavelength, RH, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc_flags, time) float64 11MB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> ... ... aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587 (Wavelength, time) float64 851kB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> pressure (Location, time) float64 284kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean (Wavelength, time) float64 851kB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413 (Wavelength, time) float64 851kB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> relative_humidity (Location, time) float64 284kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587 (Wavelength, time) float64 851kB dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: (12/47) Conventions: CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3 featureType: timeSeries title: Ground based in situ observations of nephe... keywords: NO0042G, Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund), a... id: NO0042G.20080708135939.20181213000000.neph... naming_authority: EBAS ... ... geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east comment: {\n "Data definition": "EBAS_1.1", \n ... standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3 history: None creator_url:
- time: 35451
- metadata_time: 5
- Wavelength: 3
- RH_base: 1
- RH_humidified: 1
- RH_base_max: 1
- RH: 13
- tbnds: 2
- aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags: 1
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc_flags: 1
- aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags: 1
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_qc_flags: 1
- Location: 1
- temperature_qc_flags: 2
- relative_humidity_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags: 2
- pressure_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags: 2
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags: 2
- time(time)datetime64[ns]2008-07-08T16:59:38.999999488 .....
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time of measurement
- axis :
- T
- bounds :
- time_bnds
- cell_methods :
- mean
array(['2008-07-08T16:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-08T22:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-09T04:59:38.999999488', ..., '2013-12-31T21:30:00.000000000', '2013-12-31T22:29:59.000000000', '2013-12-31T23:29:59.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- metadata_time(metadata_time)datetime64[ns]2008-08-25T22:59:38.999999488 .....
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time of ebas metadata intervals
- axis :
- T
- bounds :
- metadata_time_bnds
- cell_methods :
- mean
array(['2008-08-25T22:59:38.999999488', '2010-07-02T12:00:00.000000000', '2011-07-02T12:00:00.000000000', '2012-07-02T00:00:00.000000000', '2013-07-02T12:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- Wavelength(Wavelength)float64450.0 550.0 700.0
array([450., 550., 700.])
- RH_base(RH_base)float6440.0
- RH_humidified(RH_humidified)float6485.0
- RH_base_max(RH_base_max)float6440.0
- RH(RH)float6430.0 35.0 40.0 ... 80.0 85.0 90.0
array([30., 35., 40., 45., 50., 55., 60., 65., 70., 75., 80., 85., 90.])
- Location(Location)|S64b'instrument internal'
array([b'instrument internal'], dtype='|S64')
- time_bnds(time, tbnds)datetime64[ns]dask.array<chunksize=(35451, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time bounds for measurement
Array Chunk Bytes 553.92 kiB 553.92 kiB Shape (35451, 2) (35451, 2) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type datetime64[ns] numpy.ndarray - metadata_time_bnds(metadata_time, tbnds)datetime64[ns]dask.array<chunksize=(5, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time bounds for ebas metadata intervals
Array Chunk Bytes 80 B 80 B Shape (5, 2) (5, 2) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type datetime64[ns] numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc(Wavelength, RH_base, RH_humidified, aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 1, 1, 1, 35451) (3, 1, 1, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 15 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, RH_base_max, RH_humidified, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 1, 1, 5) (3, 1, 1, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 15 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, RH_base, RH_humidified, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 1, 1, 5) (3, 1, 1, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 15 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc(Wavelength, RH, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 10.55 MiB 10.55 MiB Shape (3, 13, 1, 35451) (3, 13, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 16 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_qc(Wavelength, RH_base_max, RH_humidified, aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 1, 1, 1, 35451) (3, 1, 1, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 15 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_qc(Wavelength, RH, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 10.55 MiB 10.55 MiB Shape (3, 13, 1, 35451) (3, 13, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 16 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, RH, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 1.52 kiB 1.52 kiB Shape (3, 13, 5) (3, 13, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 14 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, RH, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 1.52 kiB 1.52 kiB Shape (3, 13, 5) (3, 13, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 14 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor(Wavelength, RH_base, RH_humidified, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- no unit
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_qc aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 1, 1, 35451) (3, 1, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 14 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor(Wavelength, RH_base_max, RH_humidified, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 1, 1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- no unit
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_qc aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 1, 1, 35451) (3, 1, 1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 14 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient(Wavelength, RH, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_qc aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 10.55 MiB 10.55 MiB Shape (3, 13, 35451) (3, 13, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient(Wavelength, RH, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 13, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_qc aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 10.55 MiB 10.55 MiB Shape (3, 13, 35451) (3, 13, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - temperature_qc(Location, temperature_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 553.92 kiB 553.92 kiB Shape (1, 2, 35451) (1, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - relative_humidity_qc(Location, relative_humidity_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 553.92 kiB 553.92 kiB Shape (1, 2, 35451) (1, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - temperature_ebasmetadata(Location, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(1, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 40 B 40 B Shape (1, 5) (1, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - pressure_ebasmetadata(Location, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(1, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 40 B 40 B Shape (1, 5) (1, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - pressure_qc(Location, pressure_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 553.92 kiB 553.92 kiB Shape (1, 2, 35451) (1, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_ebasmetadata(Wavelength, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(3, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 120 B 120 B Shape (3, 5) (3, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc(Wavelength, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc_flags, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 2, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1
Array Chunk Bytes 1.62 MiB 1.62 MiB Shape (3, 2, 35451) (3, 2, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 13 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - relative_humidity_ebasmetadata(Location, metadata_time)objectdask.array<chunksize=(1, 5), meta=np.ndarray>
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
Array Chunk Bytes 40 B 40 B Shape (1, 5) (1, 5) Dask graph 1 chunks in 11 graph layers Data type object numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_perc8413_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: percentile:84.13
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_qc aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_amean_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - temperature(Location, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- K
- ancillary_variables :
- temperature_qc temperature_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 276.96 kiB 276.96 kiB Shape (1, 35451) (1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_prec1587_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: percentile:15.87
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - pressure(Location, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- hPa
- ancillary_variables :
- pressure_qc pressure_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 276.96 kiB 276.96 kiB Shape (1, 35451) (1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_qc aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_amean_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_qc aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient_perc8413_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: percentile:84.13
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - relative_humidity(Location, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(1, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- %
- ancillary_variables :
- relative_humidity_qc relative_humidity_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- standard_name :
- relative_humidity
Array Chunk Bytes 276.96 kiB 276.96 kiB Shape (1, 35451) (1, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray - aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587(Wavelength, time)float64dask.array<chunksize=(3, 35451), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- 1/Mm
- ancillary_variables :
- aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_qc aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient_prec1587_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: percentile:15.87
Array Chunk Bytes 830.88 kiB 830.88 kiB Shape (3, 35451) (3, 35451) Dask graph 1 chunks in 10 graph layers Data type float64 numpy.ndarray
- timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['2008-07-08 16:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-08 22:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-09 04:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-09 10:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-09 16:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-09 22:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-10 04:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-10 10:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-10 16:59:38.999999488', '2008-07-10 22:59:38.999999488', ... '2013-12-31 14:29:59', '2013-12-31 15:30:00', '2013-12-31 16:29:59', '2013-12-31 17:29:59', '2013-12-31 18:30:00', '2013-12-31 19:29:59', '2013-12-31 20:29:59', '2013-12-31 21:30:00', '2013-12-31 22:29:59', '2013-12-31 23:29:59'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='time', length=35451, freq=None))
- metadata_timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['2008-08-25 22:59:38.999999488', '2010-07-02 12:00:00', '2011-07-02 12:00:00', '2012-07-02 00:00:00', '2013-07-02 12:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='metadata_time', freq=None))
- WavelengthPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([450.0, 550.0, 700.0], dtype='float64', name='Wavelength'))
- RH_basePandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([40.0], dtype='float64', name='RH_base'))
- RH_humidifiedPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([85.0], dtype='float64', name='RH_humidified'))
- RH_base_maxPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([40.0], dtype='float64', name='RH_base_max'))
- RHPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0], dtype='float64', name='RH'))
- LocationPandasIndex
PandasIndex(Index([b'instrument internal'], dtype='object', name='Location'))
- Conventions :
- CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3
- featureType :
- timeSeries
- title :
- Ground based in situ observations of nephelometer at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund) (NO0042G)
- keywords :
- NO0042G, Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund), aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor, aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor, aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient, EMEP, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient, GAW-WDCA, aerosol_humidified, ACTRIS, CREATE
- id :
- naming_authority :
- project :
- acknowledgement :
- Request acknowledgement details from data originator
- license :
- CREATE: Fair use data policy (see also EMEP and WMO-GAW), ACTRIS:, EMEP: Public open access. We encourage contacting data originators if substatial use of individual time series is planned (fair use data policy)., GAW-WDCA:
- summary :
- Ground based in situ observations of nephelometer at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund) (NO0042G). These measurements are gathered as a part of the following projects CREATE, ACTRIS, EMEP, GAW-WDCA and they are stored in the EBAS database ( Parameters measured are: aerosol_light_backscattering_coefficient in aerosol_humidified, aerosol_light_backscattering_enhancement_factor in aerosol_humidified, aerosol_light_scattering_coefficient in aerosol_humidified, aerosol_light_scattering_enhancement_factor in aerosol_humidified
- source :
- surface observation
- institution :
- CH02L, Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC), OFLB, 5232, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
- processing_level :
- processing_level_test
- date_created :
- 2018-12-13T00:00:00 UTC
- date_metadata_modified :
- 2018-12-13T00:00:00 UTC
- creator_name :
- Paul Zieger, Maria A. Burgos
- creator_type :
- person
- creator_email :
- creator_institution :
- "Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, ACES", "Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, ACES"
- contributor_name :
- Maria A. Burgos
- contributor_role :
- data submitter
- publisher_type :
- institution
- publisher_name :
- NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, ATMOS, EBAS
- publisher_institution :
- NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, ATMOS, EBAS
- publisher_email :
- publisher_url :
- geospatial_bounds :
- POINT Z (78.91 11.88 477.0)
- geospatial_bounds_crs :
- EPSG:4979
- geospatial_lat_min :
- 78.91
- geospatial_lat_max :
- 78.91
- geospatial_lon_min :
- 11.88
- geospatial_lon_max :
- 11.88
- geospatial_vertical_min :
- 477.0
- geospatial_vertical_max :
- 477.0
- geospatial_vertical_positive :
- up
- time_coverage_start :
- 2008-07-08T13:59:39 UTC
- time_coverage_end :
- 2008-10-13T07:59:39 UTC
- time_coverage_duration :
- P0000-03-04T18:00:00
- time_coverage_resolution :
- P0000-00-00T06:00:00
- timezone :
- Metadata_Conventions :
- Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
- geospatial_lat_units :
- degrees_north
- geospatial_lon_units :
- degrees_east
- comment :
- { "Data definition": "EBAS_1.1", "Set type code": "TU", "Timezone": "UTC", "File name": "", "File creation": "20190627182802", "Startdate": "20080708135939", "Revision date": "20181213000000", "Version": "1", "Version description": "interpolated scattering coefficients, calculated scattering enhancement factors as described in Burgos et al., 2018", "Statistics": "arithmetic mean", "Data level": "2", "Period code": "3mo", "Resolution code": "6h", "Sample duration": "6h", "Orig. time res.": "6h", "Station code": "NO0042G", "Platform code": "NO0042S", "Station name": "Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)", "Station WDCA-ID": "GAWANO__ZEP", "Station GAW-ID": "ZEP", "Station GAW-Name": "Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)", "Station land use": "Gravel and stone", "Station setting": "Polar", "Station GAW type": "G", "Station WMO region": "6", "Station latitude": "78.90715", "Station longitude": "11.88668", "Station altitude": "474.0 m", "Measurement latitude": "78.91", "Measurement longitude": "11.88", "Measurement altitude": "477.0 m", "Measurement height": "2.0 m", "Regime": "IMG", "Unit": "1/Mm", "Matrix": "aerosol_humidified", "Laboratory code": "CH02L", "Instrument type": "nephelometer", "Instrument name": "TSI_3563_ZEP_ref+TSI_3563_ZEP_wet", "Instrument manufacturer": "TSI", "Instrument model": "3563", "Instrument serial number": "1043", "Method ref": "CH02L_hygro_tandem_neph_CorrData", "Standard method": "cal-gas=CO2+AIR_truncation-correction=Anderson1998", "Inlet type": "Stainless steel", "Inlet description": "no heater, no cut size", "Humidity/temperature control": "Humidification", "Humidity/temperature control description": "humidogram", "Volume std. temperature": "273.15 K", "Volume std. pressure": "1013.25 hPa", "Detection limit": "0.5 1/Mm", "Detection limit expl.": "Determined by instrument counting statistics, no detection limit flag used", "Measurement uncertainty expl.": "Uncertainty analysis described in Burgos et al., 2019", "Zero/negative values code": "Zero/negative possible", "Zero/negative values": "zero and neg. values may appear due to statistical variations at very low concentrations", "Organization": "CH02L, Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC), OFLB, , 5232, Villigen PSI, Switzerland", "Frameworks": "ACTRIS CREATE EMEP GAW-WDCA", "Originator": "Burgos, Maria A.,, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, ACES, , Frescativägen 54, , SE10691, Stockholm, Sweden", "Submitter": "Burgos, Maria A.,, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, ACES, , Frescativägen 54, , SE10691, Stockholm, Sweden", "Acknowledgement": "Request acknowledgement details from data originator" }
- standard_name_vocabulary :
- CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3
- history :
- None
- creator_url :
Example 2 aerosol sulphate data#
also here - the files are differently shaped for different periods best to read single files, analyse, and then concatenate for longer time series note that catalogue file names give no full description of what is in a file
# get all data urls for one station, e.g., Zeppelin NO0042G
opendap_urls = [x for x in all_opendap_urls if 'NO0042G' in x]
# get all data urls which could contain sulphate data, exclude some
opendap_urls = [x for x in opendap_urls if 'filter_3pack' in x]
opendap_urls = [x for x in opendap_urls if not 'sum_ammonia' in x]
opendap_urls = [x for x in opendap_urls if not 'sulphur_dioxide' in x]
file_to_read = opendap_urls[0]
ds_single_file = xr.open_dataset(file_to_read)
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 183kB Dimensions: (time: 730, tbnds: 2, metadata_time: 2, ammonia_qc_flags: 1, ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags: 1, ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc_flags: 1, calcium_qc_flags: 1, ... nitric_acid_qc_flags: 1, potassium_qc_flags: 1, sodium_qc_flags: 1, sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_qc_flags: 1, sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc_flags: 1, sulphur_dioxide_qc_flags: 1) Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 6kB 2021-0... * metadata_time (metadata_time) datetime64[ns] 16B ... Dimensions without coordinates: tbnds, ammonia_qc_flags, ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags, ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, calcium_qc_flags, chloride_qc_flags, magnesium_qc_flags, nitrate_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags, nitrate_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, nitric_acid_qc_flags, potassium_qc_flags, sodium_qc_flags, sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_qc_flags, sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, sulphur_dioxide_qc_flags Data variables: (12/44) time_bnds (time, tbnds) datetime64[ns] 12kB ... metadata_time_bnds (metadata_time, tbnds) datetime64[ns] 32B ... ammonia (time) float64 6kB ... ammonia_qc (ammonia_qc_flags, time) float64 6kB ... ammonia_ebasmetadata (metadata_time) |S64 128B ... ammonium_ug_N_per_m3 (time) float64 6kB ... ... ... sulphate_total_ug_per_m3 (time) float64 6kB ... sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc (sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, time) float64 6kB ... sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata (metadata_time) |S64 128B ... sulphur_dioxide (time) float64 6kB ... sulphur_dioxide_qc (sulphur_dioxide_qc_flags, time) float64 6kB ... sulphur_dioxide_ebasmetadata (metadata_time) |S64 128B ... Attributes: (12/106) Conventions: CF-1.8, ACDD-1.3 featureType: timeSeries title: Ground based in situ obser... keywords: mass_concentration_of_nitr... id: NO0042G.20210101070000.202... naming_authority: EBAS ... ... geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east comment: {\n "Data definition": ... standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3 history: None creator_url:
- time: 730
- tbnds: 2
- metadata_time: 2
- ammonia_qc_flags: 1
- ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- calcium_qc_flags: 1
- chloride_qc_flags: 1
- magnesium_qc_flags: 1
- nitrate_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- nitrate_ug_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- nitric_acid_qc_flags: 1
- potassium_qc_flags: 1
- sodium_qc_flags: 1
- sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc_flags: 1
- sulphur_dioxide_qc_flags: 1
- time(time)datetime64[ns]2021-01-01T19:00:00 ... 2022-12-...
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time of measurement
- axis :
- T
- bounds :
- time_bnds
array(['2021-01-01T19:00:00.000000000', '2021-01-02T19:00:00.000000000', '2021-01-03T19:00:00.000000000', ..., '2022-12-29T19:00:00.000000000', '2022-12-30T19:00:00.000000000', '2022-12-31T19:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- metadata_time(metadata_time)datetime64[ns]2021-07-02T19:00:00 2022-07-02T1...
- standard_name :
- time
- long_name :
- time of ebas metadata intervals
- axis :
- T
- bounds :
- metadata_time_bnds
array(['2021-07-02T19:00:00.000000000', '2022-07-02T19:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
- time_bnds(time, tbnds)datetime64[ns]...
- long_name :
- time bounds for measurement
[1460 values with dtype=datetime64[ns]]
- metadata_time_bnds(metadata_time, tbnds)datetime64[ns]...
- long_name :
- time bounds for ebas metadata intervals
[4 values with dtype=datetime64[ns]]
- ammonia(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_ammonia_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- ammonia_qc ammonia_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- ammonia
- ebas_unit :
- ug N/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- air
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Cellulose
- ebas_coating_solution :
- Oxalic acid
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.04 ug N/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonia_qc(ammonia_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonia_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- ammonium_ug_N_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_ammonium_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- ammonium_ug N_per_m3_qc ammonium_ug N_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- ammonium
- ebas_unit :
- ug N/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.0103 ug N/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_qc(ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonium_ug_N_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- ammonium_ug_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_ammonium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc ammonium_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- ammonium
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.013 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_comment :
- Data converted on export from EBAS from 'ug N/m3' to 'ug/m3', conversion factor 1.28786. Detection limit converted from '0.0103 ug N/m3' to '0.013 ug/m3', conversion factor 1.28786.
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc(ammonium_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- ammonium_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- calcium(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_calcium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- calcium_qc calcium_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- calcium
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.0177 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- calcium_qc(calcium_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- calcium_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- chloride(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_chloride_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- chloride_qc chloride_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- chloride
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.02 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- chloride_qc(chloride_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- chloride_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- magnesium(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_magnesium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- magnesium_qc magnesium_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- magnesium
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.0148 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- magnesium_qc(magnesium_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- magnesium_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- nitrate_ug_N_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_nitrate_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- nitrate_ug N_per_m3_qc nitrate_ug N_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- nitrate
- ebas_unit :
- ug N/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.02 ug N/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitrate_ug_N_per_m3_qc(nitrate_ug_N_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitrate_ug_N_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- nitrate_ug_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- nitrate_ug_per_m3_qc nitrate_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- nitrate
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.09 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_comment :
- Data converted on export from EBAS from 'ug N/m3' to 'ug/m3', conversion factor 4.4267. Detection limit converted from '0.02 ug N/m3' to '0.09 ug/m3', conversion factor 4.4267.
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitrate_ug_per_m3_qc(nitrate_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitrate_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- nitric_acid(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- nitric_acid_qc nitric_acid_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- nitric_acid
- ebas_unit :
- ug N/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- air
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Cellulose
- ebas_coating_solution :
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.02 ug N/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitric_acid_qc(nitric_acid_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- nitric_acid_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- potassium(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_potassium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- potassium_qc potassium_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- potassium
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.0155 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- potassium_qc(potassium_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- potassium_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- sodium(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_sodium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- sodium_qc sodium_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- sodium
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.0188 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sodium_qc(sodium_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sodium_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_total_sulphateexpressed_as_sulphur_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- sulphate_total_ug S_per_m3_qc sulphate_total_ug S_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- sulphate_total
- ebas_unit :
- ug S/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.02 ug S/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_qc(sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphate_total_ug_S_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- sulphate_total_ug_per_m3(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_total_sulphateexpressed_as_sulphur_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- sulphate_total
- ebas_unit :
- ug/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- aerosol
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Teflon
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.06 ug/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_comment :
- Data converted on export from EBAS from 'ug S/m3' to 'ug/m3', conversion factor 2.9962. Detection limit converted from '0.02 ug S/m3' to '0.06 ug/m3', conversion factor 2.9962.
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc(sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphate_total_ug_per_m3_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- sulphur_dioxide(time)float64...
- standard_name :
- mass_concentration_of_sulphur_dioxide_expressed_as_sulphur_in_air
- units :
- ug/m3
- ancillary_variables :
- sulphur_dioxide_qc sulphur_dioxide_ebasmetadata
- cell_methods :
- time: mean
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_component :
- sulphur_dioxide
- ebas_unit :
- ug S/m3
- ebas_matrix :
- air
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_medium :
- Cellulose
- ebas_coating_solution :
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit :
- 0.02 ug S/m3
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphur_dioxide_qc(sulphur_dioxide_qc_flags, time)float64...
- standard_name :
- status_flag
- units :
- 1
[730 values with dtype=float64]
- sulphur_dioxide_ebasmetadata(metadata_time)|S64...
- long_name :
- ebas metadata for different time intervals; json encoded
[2 values with dtype=|S64]
- timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['2021-01-01 19:00:00', '2021-01-02 19:00:00', '2021-01-03 19:00:00', '2021-01-04 19:00:00', '2021-01-05 19:00:00', '2021-01-06 19:00:00', '2021-01-07 19:00:00', '2021-01-08 19:00:00', '2021-01-09 19:00:00', '2021-01-10 19:00:00', ... '2022-12-22 19:00:00', '2022-12-23 19:00:00', '2022-12-24 19:00:00', '2022-12-25 19:00:00', '2022-12-26 19:00:00', '2022-12-27 19:00:00', '2022-12-28 19:00:00', '2022-12-29 19:00:00', '2022-12-30 19:00:00', '2022-12-31 19:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='time', length=730, freq=None))
- metadata_timePandasIndex
PandasIndex(DatetimeIndex(['2021-07-02 19:00:00', '2022-07-02 19:00:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='metadata_time', freq=None))
- Conventions :
- CF-1.8, ACDD-1.3
- featureType :
- timeSeries
- title :
- Ground based in situ observations of filter_3pack at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund) (NO0042G)
- keywords :
- mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, potassium, mass_concentration_of_sodium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, chloride, air, nitrate, sodium, NILU, nitric_acid, aerosol, ammonia, ammonium, mass_concentration_of_calcium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, EMEP, mass_concentration_of_potassium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air, sulphur_dioxide, AMAP, mass_concentration_of_ammonium_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, CAMP, calcium, magnesium, mass_concentration_of_sulphur_dioxide_expressed_as_sulphur_in_air, NO0042G, mass_concentration_of_ammonium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, mass_concentration_of_nitrate_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, mass_concentration_of_magnesium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, mass_concentration_of_total_sulphateexpressed_as_sulphur_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air, mass_concentration_of_chloride_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air, Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund), sulphate_total, mass_concentration_of_ammonia_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air
- id :
- naming_authority :
- project :
- license :
- summary :
- Ground based in situ observations of filter_3pack at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund) (NO0042G). These measurements are gathered as a part of the following projects AMAP, CAMP, EMEP, NILU and they are stored in the EBAS database ( Parameters measured are: ammonia in air (mass_concentration_of_ammonia_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air), ammonium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_ammonium_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), ammonium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_ammonium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), calcium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_calcium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), chloride in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_chloride_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), magnesium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_magnesium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), nitrate in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_nitrate_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), nitrate in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), nitric_acid in air (mass_concentration_of_nitric_acid_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air), potassium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_potassium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), sodium in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_sodium_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in _air), sulphate_total in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_total_sulphateexpressed_as_sulphur_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air), sulphate_total in aerosol (mass_concentration_of_total_sulphateexpressed_as_sulphur_in_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air), sulphur_dioxide in air (mass_concentration_of_sulphur_dioxide_expressed_as_sulphur_in_air)
- source :
- surface observation
- institution :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Instituttveien 18, 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- processing_level :
- processing_level_test
- date_created :
- 2023-03-14T14:00:50 UTC
- date_metadata_modified :
- 2023-03-14T14:00:50 UTC
- creator_name :
- Wenche Aas
- creator_type :
- person
- creator_email :
- creator_institution :
- "Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Atmosphere and Climate Department, NILU"
- contributor_name :
- Anne Hjellbrekke
- contributor_role :
- data submitter
- publisher_type :
- institution
- publisher_name :
- NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, ATMOS, EBAS
- publisher_institution :
- NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research, ATMOS, EBAS
- publisher_email :
- publisher_url :
- geospatial_bounds :
- POINT Z (78.90715 11.88668 474.0)
- geospatial_bounds_crs :
- EPSG:4979
- geospatial_lat_min :
- 78.90715
- geospatial_lat_max :
- 78.90715
- geospatial_lon_min :
- 11.88668
- geospatial_lon_max :
- 11.88668
- geospatial_vertical_min :
- 474.0
- geospatial_vertical_max :
- 474.0
- geospatial_vertical_positive :
- up
- time_coverage_start :
- 2021-01-01T07:00:00 UTC
- time_coverage_end :
- 2023-01-01T07:00:00 UTC
- time_coverage_duration :
- P0002-00-00T00:00:00
- time_coverage_resolution :
- P0000-00-01T00:00:00
- timezone :
- ebas_data_definition :
- EBAS_1.1
- ebas_data_license :
- ebas_set_type_code :
- TI
- ebas_timezone :
- ebas_file_name :
- ebas_file_creation :
- 2023-05-11T11:26:58.786202 UTC
- ebas_export_state :
- 2023-05-11T10:25:03.246277 UTC
- ebas_export_filter :
- exclude-900,exclude-invalid
- ebas_startdate :
- 20210101070000
- ebas_revision_date :
- 20230314140050
- ebas_statistics :
- arithmetic mean
- ebas_data_level :
- 2
- ebas_period_code :
- 2y
- ebas_resolution_code :
- 1d
- ebas_station_code :
- NO0042G
- ebas_platform_code :
- NO0042S
- ebas_station_name :
- Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)
- ebas_station_wdca_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_id :
- ebas_station_gaw_name :
- Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)
- ebas_station_land_use :
- Gravel and stone
- ebas_station_setting :
- Polar
- ebas_station_gaw_type :
- G
- ebas_station_wmo_region :
- 6
- ebas_station_latitude :
- 78.90715
- ebas_station_longitude :
- 11.88668
- ebas_station_altitude :
- 474.0 m
- ebas_regime :
- ebas_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_instrument_type :
- filter_3pack
- ebas_instrument_name :
- f3p_d_0042
- ebas_instrument_manufacturer :
- ebas_instrument_model :
- Three stage open face
- ebas_analytical_laboratory_code :
- NO01L
- ebas_analytical_measurement_technique :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_name :
- IC
- ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer :
- Dionex
- ebas_analytical_instrument_model :
- ICS-2100
- ebas_method_ref :
- NO01L_IC
- ebas_standard_method :
- SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014
- ebas_inlet_type :
- Hat or hood
- ebas_inlet_description :
- Downward facing
- ebas_flow_rate :
- 17.4 l/min
- ebas_sample_preparation :
- Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment
- ebas_blank_correction :
- Blank corrected
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control :
- None
- ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description :
- Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head
- ebas_volume_std_temperature :
- ambient
- ebas_volume_std_pressure :
- ambient
- ebas_detection_limit_expl :
- Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks
- ebas_zero_negative_values_code :
- Zero/negative impossible
- ebas_zero_negative_values :
- Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.
- ebas_organization :
- NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- ebas_framework_acronym :
- ebas_framework_name :
- , OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
- ebas_framework_description :
- , The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.
- ebas_framework_contact_name :
- Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth
- ebas_framework_contact_email :
- ebas_originator :
- Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970
- ebas_submitter :
- Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway
- Metadata_Conventions :
- Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
- geospatial_lat_units :
- degrees_north
- geospatial_lon_units :
- degrees_east
- comment :
- { "Data definition": "EBAS_1.1", "Data license": "", "Set type code": "TI", "Timezone": "UTC", "File name": "", "File creation": "2023-05-11T11:26:58.786202 UTC", "Export state": "2023-05-11T10:25:03.246277 UTC", "Export filter": "exclude-900,exclude-invalid", "Startdate": "20210101070000", "Revision date": "20230314140050", "Statistics": "arithmetic mean", "Data level": "2", "Period code": "2y", "Resolution code": "1d", "Station code": "NO0042G", "Platform code": "NO0042S", "Station name": "Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)", "Station WDCA-ID": "GAWANO__ZEP", "Station GAW-ID": "ZEP", "Station GAW-Name": "Zeppelin Mountain (Ny Ålesund)", "Station land use": "Gravel and stone", "Station setting": "Polar", "Station GAW type": "G", "Station WMO region": "6", "Station latitude": "78.90715", "Station longitude": "11.88668", "Station altitude": "474.0 m", "Regime": "IMG", "Laboratory code": "NO01L", "Instrument type": "filter_3pack", "Instrument name": "f3p_d_0042", "Instrument manufacturer": "NILU", "Instrument model": "Three stage open face", "Analytical laboratory code": "NO01L", "Analytical measurement technique": "IC", "Analytical instrument name": "IC", "Analytical instrument manufacturer": "Dionex", "Analytical instrument model": "ICS-2100", "Method ref": "NO01L_IC", "Standard method": "SOP=EMEP_manual_v2014", "Inlet type": "Hat or hood", "Inlet description": "Downward facing", "Flow rate": "17.4 l/min", "Sample preparation": "Water extraction after ultrasonic treatment", "Blank correction": "Blank corrected", "Humidity/temperature control": "None", "Humidity/temperature control description": "Filter kept at ambient conditions together with sampling head", "Volume std. temperature": "ambient", "Volume std. pressure": "ambient", "Detection limit expl.": "Detection limit is determined by taking three times standard deviation of ensemble of field blanks", "Zero/negative values code": "Zero/negative impossible", "Zero/negative values": "Values below detection limit are reported as DL value, flagged with 781.", "Organization": "NO01L, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, , Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway", "Framework acronym": "AMAP, CAMP, EMEP, NILU", "Framework name": ", OSPARCOM - Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, Norwegian Institute for Air Research", "Framework description": ", The OSPARCOM Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme goal is the assessment of the atmospheric input of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and regions., The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for int'l co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems., Atmospheric measuremnts produced at NILU.", "Framework contact name": "Wenche Aas, Wenche Aas, Kjetil Tørseth, Kjetil Tørseth", "Framework contact email": ",,,", "Originator": "Aas, Wenche,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway, ORCID=0000-0002-2908-1970", "Submitter": "Hjellbrekke, Anne,, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Atmosphere and Climate Department, Instituttveien 18, , 2007, Kjeller, Norway" }
- standard_name_vocabulary :
- CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3
- history :
- None
- creator_url :
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f802be85e50>]