Jupyterhub access#
Creating Feide OpenIdP account:#
If you do not have a Feide account follow these instructions:
Go to Feide OpenIdP.
Click on Register a new account. Preferably provide the email you specified for the course.
You will receive an email from Feide OpenIdP <noreply@sikt.no>
You might need to check your spam/junk folder
Click on the link in the email and proceed with further registration.
Now you have FEIDE guest account.
Joining eScience2025 Feide group:#
Once you created a FEIDE account (or if you already have one):
You might have already received the invitation to a FEIDE group eScience2025 by email. If not, send email to Matvey Debolskiy <matveyd@uio.no>.
Click on the link in the email. You will be suggested to login in into dataporten.
Login using your FEIDE account
- For those with FEIDE guest accounts:
Can't find your user account?
Feide guest users
, you would be promted to the OpenIdP login page.
Accept policies and become member of eScience2025 Feide group
Accessing Jupyterhub:#
Once you’ve become a memeber of escience2025 Feide group you can use Jupyterhub for eScience2025 cource at https://escience2025.craas1.sigma2.no.
Sing in with NIRD Apps Auth
.Login with your Feide or Feide guest account.
Feide Guests
- For those with FEIDE guest accounts:
Can't find your user account?
Feide guest users
, you would be promted to the OpenIdP login page.
Test server access
Though test sever is still reachable but will be shutdown soon. So if you have anything there, move it to escience2025 server. If you need help ask @mvdeoblskiy.