eScience 2025 course#
- Jupyterhub access
- Workflow for eScience2025 course
- Jupyterhub basic usage
- Data
- Learning Corner
- Brief introduction to Dask
- Xarray + Dask
- Numba
- Using xarray to read EBAS data
- Interpolate hybrid sigma pressure coordinates to pressure
- Making a nice table
- Mask land
- Using masks and computing weighted average
- Using cartopy and projections for plotting
- Read CMIP-PPE data and emulate with Gaussian Processor
- Some tips with xarray and pandas
- What are pandas and xarray?
- 1. Read in CMIP6 data: We will skip this next part, but you can check it later to read data:
- 1.1 Reading in the data from file:
- 2. Check how your dataset looks
- 3. Sometimes we want to do some nice tweaks before we start:
- 3.2 Calculates variables and assign attributes!
- 4. The easiest interpolation: select with ‘nearest’ neighboor
- 5. Mask data and groupby: pick out seasons
- 6. Controle the plot visuals:
- 7. Plotting with cartopy
- My headline
- comment number two
- Regridding model data with xESMF
- Import python packages
- Set path to save data:
- Open CMIP6 online catalog
- Get data in xarray
- Select model and visualize a single date
- Regrid CMIP6 data to common NorESM2-LM grid
- Save regridded data intermediately
- Concatenate all models
- Compute seasonal mean of all regridded models
- Save seasonal mean in a new netCDF file
- Visualize final results (seasonal mean for all models)
- Useful links
- Previous eScience Courses
- Using version control on Jupyterhub:
- Contribute to this page
- Credit