The original documentation gives a detailed description of how to create and run a case. If this is the first time you use CTSM you should always start there.

The examples you can find on this page are tailored to the Norwegian clusters.

Use your project

For running CTSM on the Norwegian cluster you will be affiliated with a project account. To check which project you are affiliated with can run by typing

[~/HOME]$ projects

after logging into a remote HPC-cluster. This will return something that looks like this


In the example above, two projects can be used (nn2806k and nn1000k). Most of our examples are connected to project nn2806k. The project you are affiliated with will depend on the account you used when you applied for resources. Make sure you choose the right project when running CTSM.

Environmental variables

Along with the proper definition of your project, you should make sure that some other environmental variables are properly defined.

An example of environmental variables your might want to change are

[~/HOME]$ export CESM_ACCOUNT=nn2806k
[~/HOME]$ export PROJECT=nn2806k
[~/HOME]$ export CTSM_ROOT=/cluster/home/$USER/ctsm

[~/HOME]$ export INC_NETCDF=/cluster/software/netCDF/4.4.0-intel-2016a/
[~/HOME]$ export LIB_NETCDF=/cluster/software/netCDF/4.4.0-intel-2016a/
[~/HOME]$ export NETCDF_ROOT=/cluster/software/netCDF/4.4.0-intel-2016a/

You can store all these variables in a shell script file and enable them in your workspace by sourcing that file. E.g. create a file in ~/Workspace/scripts/ called with the following content:

export CESM_ACCOUNT=nn2806k
export PROJECT=nn2806k
export CTSM_ROOT=/cluster/home/$USER/Workspace/ctsm
export CESM_DATA=/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata

You can now run source ~/Workspace/scripts/ to activate all these variables.

Your first CTSM case

Updating Fates?

If you are updating FATES go here first.

For reference: manage_externals

Whenever you want to update to the most recent version of the external components, you need to rerun the command below.

If you are doing changes to the code, remember to create your own branches for the external repositories before you run the command (see here).

[~/CTSM_ROOT]$ ./manage_externals/checkout_externals

Read more about how manage_externals/checkout_externals work here.

Create a case

Before you can run the model you must create a new case.

[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ ./create_newcase --case ~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs  --compset I2000Clm50BgcCruGs   --res f19_g17 --machine saga --run-unsupported --project $CESM_ACCOUNT

Make sure that you set the arguments for --machine and --project which are relevant for yourself.

Configure your case

To properly configure your case there are several steps you might need to do.

  1. Navigate to your newly created case folder

     [~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ cd ~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs
  2. Check the current configuration

     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./xmlquery --l #(--l list --f file) 


     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./xmlquery STOP_OPTION
  3. Change the current configuration

    For instance, you might want to change the duration of a simulation to 5 days:

     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=ndays #(nyears, nmonths)
     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./xmlchange STOP_N=5 #(then 5 days)


    To manually edit the *.xlm-files is not recommended!

  4. Setup your case

     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./case.setup 
  5. Change history filelds

    The history filelds controls which variables that are written to file during a run. hist_mfilt allows you to specify the number of output files and hist_nhtfrq the frequency.

    To change the history files you can edit the user_nl_clm.xlm add the following lines below

     hist_mfilt=5 #(number of output files)
     hist_nhtfrq=-24 #(means daily outputs)
  6. Build your case

     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./

    Build failed?

    Make sure you clean the previous build

    [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs] ./ --clean
  7. Run your case

     [~/cases/I2000Clm50BgcCruGs]$ ./case.submit 

Running a FATES case

Follow the tips given at ESCOMP guide.

[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ ./create_newcase --case ../../../ctsm_cases/fates_f19_g17 --compset 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%FATES_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res f19_g17 --machine saga --run-unsupported --project $CESM_ACCOUNT

Run a single cell case

CLM supports running single-point simulations. Available options are summarized at ESCOMP guide.

For testing purpose, we recommend running a single point using global data, i.e., PTS_MODE. Below we show you how to create a single-point case using global data.

[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ export CESM_ACCOUNT=nn2806k
[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ ./create_newcase --case ~/cases/testPTS_MODE --res f19_g17_gl4 --compset I1850Clm50BgcCropCru --machine saga --run-unsupported --project $CESM_ACCOUNT

Now go to the new case folder and update the point latitude and longitude:

[~/cases/testPTS_MODE] ./xmlchange PTS_LAT=40.0
[~/cases/testPTS_MODE] ./xmlchange PTS_LON=-105

For dedicated single-cell simulation in order to compare with site-level observation data, we recommend running single-cell simulation using your own datasets following the examples ( - from ESCOMP guide.

There are dedicated tools and workflow for running single-cell simulations over Norwegian ecological observation sites using CLM and CLM-FATES, please check NorESM_LandSites_Platform and follow the instructions there.

Run a single cell case by creating surface data (tested with ctsm5.1.dev081)

CLM also supports running single-point simulations by creating single point surface data.

Create subset data

  • Create a conda environment and install the following in it: conda install numpy xarray netcdf4 cftime.

  • Make sure you have the latest version of git loaded on your system (the default git on Fram and Saga as of 25/2/2022 is 1.8, which doesn’t support some of the flags used by e.g. module load git/2.33.1-GCCore-11.2.0-nodocs.

  • Go to $CTSM_ROOT/tools/site_and_regional and edit default_data.cfg with to the following diff:

    diff --git a/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg b/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg
    index f689c9904..a1f8347b7 100644
    --- a/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg
    +++ b/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg
    @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
    -clmforcingindir = /glade/p/cesmdata/inputdata
    +clmforcingindir = /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata
    -dir = /glade/p/cgd/tss/CTSM_datm_forcing_data/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516
    +dir = /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/domains/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516
    domain =
    solardir = Solar
    precdir = Precip
  • You can now run the script to generate the data for your case. Here’s a sample run: ./subset_data point --site finse --lat 60.59383774 --lon 7.527008533 --create-domain --create-surface --create-landuse --create-datm --datm-syr 1970 --datm-eyr 1972 --dompft 7. This generates the data in subset_data_single_point in the working directory. Run ./subset_data --help to see all the available flags and their descriptions.


Not all the required data for different periods exist on Sigma2 server. If you get an error about missing files, you can download them from and put them in /cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/share/domains and the relevant sub-folders there. The data for the example above should already exist on Fram.

create a case for finse site simulation using the bash script

This example Bash script shows the steps needed to create a case for site simulation on Fram

export PROJECT=nn2806k
export CTSM_ROOT=/cluster/home/$USER/ctsm
export MYSITEDATA=/cluster/projects/nn2806k/dev/sites_forcing/
# Input
export DIR_DATM=$MYSITEDATA/datmdata
# Model components (COMPSET)
# (listed by $CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts/query_config --COMPSETs clm)
export CLM_USRDAT=f09_g17
export CASENAME=Finse_I2000Clm50SpRs_f09_g17
export DIR_CASE=/cluster/home/$USER/cases_site/$CASENAME

# Create case
if ! [ -d $DIR_CASE ]; then
    cd $CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts
    ./create_newcase --case $DIR_CASE --compset $COMPSET --res $CLM_USRDAT \
        --machine fram --driver mct --run-unsupported --project $PROJECT

# Modify XML configuration files generated by case creation
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION="nyears"
./xmlchange STOP_N=30
./xmlchange NTASKS=1
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME="00:30:00"
./xmlchange PROJECT=$PROJECT
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE="2000-01-01"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGN="2000"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START="2000"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END="2014"

# Case setup

# Add surface data to user namelist

cat << EOF > user_nl_clm

cat << EOF >user_nl_datm
ls CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.*
echo "Copy CaseDocs/datm.streams."
cp CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.* .
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW
mv datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_2000 user_datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_2000
mv datm.streams.txt.topo.observed user_datm.streams.txt.topo.observed


After creating the case, edit the files(user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip, user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar, and user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW) to change the directory path for climate forcing data and domain file name. More details can be found at the NCAR tutorial

Build and submit the case.

Run a regional case

Follow the below procedure to run CTSM over a specific region of interest for a specific resolution.

Domain and surface data

To run over the Scandinavia region (latitude 48N to 81N, longitude 4E to 42E) at 0.5 degree resolution you first need to produce the domain and surface data files for the region using the python script available under the CTSM tools directory CTSM_ROOT/tools/site_and_regional/ The python script file can also be found here.

The python scripts requires input arguments corresponding to your region of interest. Command below helps you to understand on how to provide input argument variables:

./ reg --help

First, you need to change the global input data directory variable inside the script (standard global CTSM dataset) as below:

dir_inputdata='/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/'  (few lines after region.create-tag())

Choose a location for storing the domain and surface data files for Scandinavia (eg. /cluster/projects/nn2806k/$USER/regiondata). Set the environment variable for the directory as below:


Choose the global surface data file corresponding to the resolution!

For example: for 0.5x0.5 resolution, choose (under shared noresm folder) and add this file location in the python script

Run the script as below with the input arguments for Scandinavia region. Make sure you have created a conda environment for python3 including xarray, netcdf4 installed:

[~/CTSM_ROOT/tools/site_and_regional] ./ reg --reg scand --lat1 48.0 --lat2 81.0 --lon1 4.0 --lon2 42.0 --create_domain True --create_surface True --outdir $MYREGDATA

Create a case for the compset of your interest

You can see the available compset aliases and their long names by typing the following :

[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ ./query_config --compsets clm

The compset chosen here is I2000Clm50BgcCropGs. Initializes the model for the year 2000 conditions with GSWP3 atmospheric forcing data.

[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ export CESM_ACCOUNT=nn2806k
[~/CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts]$ ./create_newcase -case ~/cases/scand --res CLM_USRDAT --compset I2000Clm50BgcCropGs  --machine fram --run-unsupported --project $CESM_ACCOUNT


Change data atmosphere domain (ATM_DOMAIN_PATH) and land domain (LND_DOMAIN_PATH) paths following below commands in the case directory:



Manually editing the *.xml-files is not advised!

To add the domain file names (same domain file for both ATM_DOMAIN_FILE and LND_DOMAIN_FILE) first set the environment variable for file name:


and use the xmlchange command to add the file names into the xml files.


Add region name into env_run.xml file (eg.choose the same name as created case name):

[~/cases/scand]$./xmlchange CLM_USRDAT_NAME=scand

Change the number of CPUs and project number:

[~/cases/scand]$./xmlchange NTASKS=32
[~/cases/scand]$./xmlchange PROJECT=$CESM_ACCOUNT

Setup the case:

[~/cases/scand]$ ./case.setup
[~/cases/scand]$ ./preview_run

Customizing the CLM namelist

Specify the location of surface data created for the region in the file user_nl_ctsm:


Single-point and regional cases

You can only use the compsets with SGLC (Stub glacier (land ice) component) for single-point and regional cases. Otherwise, the simulation will fail. WHY??? SHOULD HAVE AN EXPLANATION HERE I (Sunniva) THINK?

If you want to print out only selected variables with hourly resolution in the model output files for each year you would need to update the file ~/cases/scand/user_nl_ctsm to contain the following variables

hist_empty_htapes = .true.
hist_fincl1 = 'TSA', 'TSKIN', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'FSH', 'WIND', 'TWS', 'SNOWLIQ', 'SNOWICE', 'SNOW_DEPTH', 'TSOI', 'H2OSOI'
hist_nhtfrq = -1
hist_mfilt = 365

Variable naming convention

The variable names (e.g. TSA, TSKIN, EFLX_LH_TOT, etc.) are following the CESM name convention.

Build and submit the case

Now you can perform the final steps to build and submit the case to the job queue.

[~/cases/SCA_SpRun]$ ./
[~/cases/SCA_SpRun]$ ./case.submit

Example scripts

Regional simulations

This example Bash script shows the steps needed to run a regional simulation on Fram, using the setup explained in the “Run a regional case” section.

# Project accounting
export CESM_ACCOUNT=nn2806k
export PROJECT=nn2806k

# Paths: CLM and NetCDF
export CTSM_ROOT=$HOME/ctsm_fates_emerald
export INC_NETCDF=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/
export LIB_NETCDF=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/
export NETCDF_ROOT=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/

# Input
export CESM_DATA=/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata
export DIR_DOM=${CESM_DATA}/share/domains
export SURF_DATA=${CESM_DATA}/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/
export ROOT_FRC=/cluster/shared/noresm/inputdata/atm/datm7

# Model components (COMPSET)
export COMPSET=I2000Clm50SpGs
# (listed by $CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts/query_config --COMPSETs clm)

# Case folder
export GRID_NAME=0.5_scand
export DIR_CASE=~/cases/$CASE_NAME

# Get CLM from NordicESMhub and externals
if ! [ -d $CTSM_ROOT ]; then
    module load git/2.23.0-GCCcore-8.3.0
    git clone -b release-clm5.0 $CTSM_ROOT
    cd $CTSM_ROOT

# Create case
if ! [ -d $DIR_CASE ]; then
    cd $CTSM_ROOT/cime/scripts
    ./create_newcase --case $DIR_CASE --compset $COMPSET --res CLM_USRDAT \
        --machine fram --run-unsupported --project $CESM_ACCOUNT

# Modify XML configuration files generated by case creation
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION="ndays"
./xmlchange STOP_N=5
./xmlchange NTASKS=16
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME="00:05:00"
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE="2000-01-01"
./xmlchange RESUBMIT="0"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGN="2000"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START="2000"
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END="2000"
./xmlchange DOUT_S="FALSE"
./xmlchange GMAKE_J="8"

# Case setup

# Add surface data to user namelist
cat << EOF > user_nl_clm
# (if restart file is available from spin-up ($RESTART), add: finidat="$RESTART")

# Preview

# Compile
#./ --clean

# Run

# Check output files
ll $USERWORK/noresm/$CASE_NAME/run/${CASE_NAME}.clm2.h0.*.nc

# View slurm log
cat $DIR_CASE/${CASE_NAME}.run