Single Point Quick Start

The instructions below are tested with ctsm5.1.dev098, and ran on fram machine. Change the machine and module names and paths accordingly. The instructions assume CTSM repo is cloned in ~/ctsm_escomp.

```{keypoints} Note
Check out [this tutorial]( by NCAR for more details.
Note that the tutorial is written for NCAR's machines.

Create data for a point

  1. If you haven’t set up CTSM yet, check out steps 1 to 8 on the quick start guide.

  2. Load the required modules: If any of the modules in the following list is not available, search for the module name with module spider <module_name> and use the latest available version instead.

    module load git/2.33.1-GCCcore-11.2.0-nodocs
    module load Anaconda3/2019.07
  3. Set up and Install dependencies for subset_data:

    eval "$(/cluster/software/Anaconda3/2019.07/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    conda create --name subset_data python=3.9 xarray netcdf4 -y
    conda activate subset_data
  4. Update the input data paths for ./subset_data:

    sed -i 's/glade\/p\/cesmdata\/inputdata/cluster\/shared\/noresm\/inputdata/' ~/ctsm_escomp/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg
    sed -i 's/glade\/p\/cgd\/tss\/CTSM_datm_forcing_data/cluster\/shared\/noresm\/inputdata\/atm\/datm7/' ~/ctsm_escomp/tools/site_and_regional/default_data.cfg
  5. Generate input data for a single point: This should generate all the data for the given latitude and longitude and period in ~/finse.

    ~/ctsm_escomp/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data \
        point \
        --site finse \
        --lat 60.59383774 \
        --lon 7.527008533 \
        --create-user-mods \
        --create-domain \
        --create-surface \
        --create-landuse \
        --create-user-mods \
        --create-datm \
        --datm-syr 1970 \
        --datm-eyr 1972 \
        --dompft 7 \
        --outdir ~/finse \
  6. Run a case for the given point:

    ~/ctsm_escomp/cime/scripts/create_newcase \
        --case ~/cases/finse \
        --compset I2000Clm51BgcCrop \
        --res CLM_USRDAT \
        --machine fram \
        --run-unsupported \
        --user-mods-dirs ~/finse/user_mods \    # This contains the generated namelists and a shell command that CTSM uses to configure your case with the given input data.
        --handle-preexisting-dirs r \
        --project <project_name> \ # e.g. nn2806k
    cd ~/cases/finse
    ./xmlchange MPILIB=impi
    ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
    ./xmlchange STOP_N=1
    ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE='1970-01-01'
    ./xmlchange DATM_YR_ALIGN=1970
    ./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=1970
    ./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=1971