Quick start

This guide helps you set up your workspace and submit a case on a Sigma2 machine (Betzy, Fram, Saga). See the following sections for detailed instructions on how to get and set up CTSM and create and submit cases.

The guide works with MetOs-UiO CTSM version. All commands should work as they are, so you can just copy and paste them into your terminal. If there’s a parameter in a command wrapped in < and >, it means it should be replaced with your own values.

Create and run a case:

  1. If you don’t already have a Sigma2 account, request one here (talk to your supervisor for project name to include in the application form): https://www.metacenter.no/user/application/.

  2. After your account is activated, ssh into one of the Sigma2 machines you have access to, e.g. fram:

    ssh <your-sigma2-username>@fram.sigma2.no.


    On Windows you might need OpenSSH – see here. Alternatively, you can do everything through VS Code.

  3. Clone MetOS-UiO/CTSM into ~/ctsm:

    git clone https://github.com/MetOs-UiO/CTSM.git ~/ctsm.

  4. Go to the cloned repo:

    cd ~/ctsm.

  5. Switch to stable_sigma2 branch:

    git checkout stable_sigma2.


    Alternatively, you can clone NorESMhub/CTSM and checkout noresm branch. Both of those are up-to-date with master on ESCOMP/CTSM.

  6. Make sure you have a newer git version: git --version if you have anything older than 2.18 you must load a newer one, f.e.:

    module load git/2.36.0-GCCcore-11.3.0-nodocs

    or better add such line to your .bashrc (do module spider git to see available versions).

  7. Get the external dependencies/repos:


  8. Adjust and export the following variables in your workspace (or better add this to ~/.bashrc):

    export MACHINE=<machine_name> # e.g. betzy, saga or fram
    export PROJECT=<project_name> # e.g. nnXXXXk
  9. Run the following to create a new case:

    ~/ctsm/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case ~/cases/I2000Clm50Sp --compset I2000Clm50Sp --res f19_g17 --machine $MACHINE --run-unsupported --handle-preexisting-dirs r --project $PROJECT.

  10. If everything goes fine, there should be a new folder for your case in ~/cases. Switch to the case folder:

    cd ~/cases/I2000Clm50Sp.

  11. Set up the case:


  12. Build the case:


  13. Submit the case:


  14. If there’s no error in the previous steps, there should be a line towards the end of CaseStatus file that contains case.submit success. You can check it with this:

    cat CaseStatus.

  15. If the submission is successful, your case goes in the execution queue. You can check the latest status in the same CaseStatus file. After a successful run, you should see messages like this:

    2022-06-17 14:00:01: case.setup starting 
    2022-06-17 14:00:07: case.setup success 
    2022-06-17 14:02:23: case.build starting 
    CESM version is ctsm5.1.dev098
    Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg
    Processing externals description file : Externals_CLM.cfg
    Processing externals description file : Externals_CISM.cfg
    Processing externals description file : .gitmodules
    Processing submodules description file : .gitmodules
    Processing externals description file : Externals_CDEPS.cfg
    Checking status of externals: clm, fates, cism, source_cism, rtm, mosart, mizuroute, ccs_config, cime, cmeps, cdeps, fox, genf90, cpl7, share, mct, parallelio, doc-builder, 
            clean sandbox, on ccs_config_cesm0.0.36
            clean sandbox, on cime6.0.27
            clean sandbox, on cdeps0.12.41
            clean sandbox, on
            clean sandbox, on genf90_200608
            clean sandbox, on cismwrap_2_1_95
            clean sandbox, on cism_main_2.01.011
            clean sandbox, on cmeps0.13.63
            clean sandbox, on cpl7.0.12
            clean sandbox, on 34723c2e4df7caa16812770f8d53ebc83fa22360
            clean sandbox, on mosart1_0_45
            clean sandbox, on rtm1_0_78
    e-o ./doc/doc-builder
            -, not checked out --> v1.0.8
            clean sandbox, on MCT_2.11.0
            clean sandbox, on pio2_5_7
            clean sandbox, on share1.0.11
            clean sandbox, on sci.1.56.0_api.23.0.0
    2022-06-17 14:14:50: case.build success 
    2022-06-17 14:16:17: case.submit starting 5979969
    2022-06-17 14:16:17: case.submit success 5979969
  16. The last line means the execution was successful and the output is put in your user archive folder. You can see the output here:

    ls /cluster/work/users/$USER/archive/I2000Clm50Sp.

  17. The case that you have just run was a 1.95x2.5 degree resolution global case with GSWP3v1 forcing and satellite phenology that have lasted 5 days. You can learn more about resolutions, component sets.